Sunday, December 12, 2010


Wowza. Today was the day that the trampoline came crashing down. I saw it there in the morning and decided something must be done after many years of passing comments about how it must go. So I opened my tool-box and grabbed my shifter and a hat and walked into the hot hot sun. I like handy-work, it makes me feel strong. I lasted about five minutes before I was exhausted. One screw was remeved in this time, but there were still many to go. Spiders came scurrying out of the place they had come to call home, where they had raised their children and built many-a-web.
Many fun times were shared on that trampoline, like playing octopus jumping games with Be and Zee, trying to chase after Lella when she said she didn't want to play anymore and falling through the springs, dangling by my feet. The Summer days when we would get home from school and ask Mamma to hose us while we jumped. When friends would come over for the afternoon and you would spend almost the whole evening trying to jump the highest and talking about how amazing it would be if the whole world was made of trampolines. What a pip.
1. Photograph by Saga Sig, The NeverEndingStory.
2. via weheartit.

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