Monday, May 9, 2011


I'm terrified of drowning but I love lying in the bath. Sometimes I feel like I could almost go to sleep. I love the way the water makes all the sounds dull except for my heartbeat and my breathing. It almost feels like the rest of the world doesn't exist for those few minutes and everything seems to disappear. It's so calm and quiet. I wish life was like a bath.
via weheartit.


  1. If this is you, wow. Looks amazing. I haven't taken a bath in a bath tub in a while. Used to have a tub in the bathroom until the room was renovated.

  2. Great image. After watching Jaws when I was younger, I was too terrified to get into the bath!

    Now, however soaking in thick, bubbly loveliness takes some beating. It's like tea on a cold morning. x
